Tuesday, December 21, 2010

3 days chemical breakdown diet - lose up to 10 lbs over

The Chemical Breakdown Diet comes with claims that it is possible to lose weight quickly - up to 10 lbs over 3 days is widely reported. If you feel the need to shed a little weight fast this is worth considering as the ingredients are foods commonly found in most supermarkets.

Perhaps better known as the 3 Day Diet is reported to succeed due to the chemical reaction of the ingredients in acting on fatty deposits and flushing them out of the system. This fat loss effectively produces a loss in weight.

Because the ingredients have been selected with this chemical reaction in mind, dieters are advised against substituting other foods and also to follow the order in which the ingredients are meant to be consumed.

Some versions of the Chemical Breakdown Diet refer to it as the 3 Days On and 4 Days Off Diet, meaning that it is intended to be followed for three days only and there should be four days of normal eating before repeating the diet. Naturally, dieters are cautioned against excessive or unhealthy eating during the four day break if the weight lost is to be permanent

This is yet another low calorie diet. This post is FYI, because if you want to lose weight fast, then the Eat Stop Eat diet is much more sensible, healthy, and will keep the weight OFF.

The 3 Day Chemical Breakdown Diet has been called by many other names such as the 3 day heart diet, the Mayo Clinic Diet, and the Cleveland Clinic Diet. Don’t be fooled by any of these names because it is simply a very low calorie fad diet. There’s no magical chemical breakdown in the 3 day chemical breakdown diet.

That said, the 3 day chemical breakdown diet is useful for losing about 5 pounds in a very short amount of time. It is a modified fast that allows you to have about 750 calories a day. Of course, this isn’t sustainable over time, but if you are looking to lose a small amount of weight in a very short period, it can be a godsend.

On most sites promoting the diet, you will find warnings that you must follow the stated rules because the foods work in concert to break down fat. There is absolutely no scientific evidence for this. Instead, as I mentioned before, this diet works because it has very low calories. Any 750 calorie diet will do the same.

Still, the 3 day chemical breakdown diet provides a nutritious balance of foods for the 750 calories that you do get. If you are going to try to go on a modified fast, you can do worse than the 3 day chemical breakdown diet.

Here’s the meal plan on the diet:


Salt and Pepper are the only recommended seasonings. Drink lots of water - 6-8 cups.

Day 1:

1 Grapefuit or Juice
1 Slice of Toast
2 tbsp. Peanut Butter
Black Coffee or Tea

1/2 cup Tuna
1 Slice Toast
Black Coffee or Tea

2 Slices (3 oz.) of any Meat
1 cup String Beans
1 cup Carrots or Beets
1 small Apple
1 cup Vanilla Ice Cream

Day 2


1 hard-boiled Egg
1 Slice of Toast
1/2 Banana
Black Coffee or Tea


1 cup Cottage Cheese
or: 1/2 cup Tuna
5 Saltine Crackers or: Ritz biscuits


2 chicken frankfurters
1 cup Cabbage or Broccoli
1/2 cup Carrots
1/2 Banana
1 cup Vanilla Ice Cream

Day 3 on the 3 day Chemical Diet looks like this:


1 hard-boiled Egg
1 Slice Toast
Black Coffee or Tea


1 Slice Cheddar Cheese
5 Saltine Crackers or: Ritz biscuits
1 small Apple
Black Coffee or Tea


1 cup Tuna
1 cup Carrots or Beets
1 cup Green Beans or: Cauliflower
1 cup Honeydew or: 1 small Apple
1 cup Vanilla Ice Cream

Condiments Allowed


§                       Lemon (and lots of it, if you like)
§                       a dash of salt and/or pepper
§                       mustard
§                       cooking spray


Some people use the following substitutions for the 3 day diet:
§                       Orange instead of Grapefruit
§                       Tuna instead of Cottage cheese (and vice versa)
§                       Frozen yogurt instead of Ice Cream
§                       Cauliflower instead of Broccoli (and vice versa)
§                       Green beans instead of Broccoli or Cauliflower
§                       Beets instead of Carrots
§                       Toast instead of 5 crackers (vice versa)

The premise of the 3 Day Chemical Breakdown Diet is that the diet guidelines must be strictly followed because the foods eaten on this diet work together to breakdown fat. 

Do you have a big date Saturday night? Go on the 3 day chemical diet on Tuesday and watch the results. You’ll finally be able to fit into your skinny jeans. Want to knock them dead at your 10 year high school reunion? You’ll make them wish they had voted you prom queen when you go on the 3 day chemical diet.

But, as a lifestyle solution, the program is simply too limited in calories to be sustainable. Women need a minimum of 1200 calories a day over the long haul just to function.

You’ll be hungry on the 3 day chemical diet. And, that is manageable for three days. But long term, you should try a more balanced diet plan.

Avoid snacking between meals. As the calories are limited and below what the body normally requires, the shortfall will be made up by consuming fatty deposits in the body. The low level of carbohydrates will prevent water retention and this also assists with weight loss. However for long term benefits and to avoid replacing the weight which has been shed, consider a change in eating habits that includes balanced nutrients and a wider range of foods to choose from.

Whilst the Chemical Breakdown Diet is simple to set up, free and convenient, its obvious limitations concerning nutrients, protein, carbohydrates and fats mean that it is not sustainable or recommended for long term use. As well consider how much easier it would be to follow a diet which does not leave you feeling hungry and craving for just a little more.

Get details of a remarkably successful, natural and quick weight loss strategy that builds body tone and good health whilst burning unwanted fat at Fat Loss 4 Idiots


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