Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Why Is This Kept As a Secret – Learn How To Protect Or Help Yourself In The Fight Against Cancer

The number of people who approve this hypothesis is increasing every day, and even those who do not agree entirely with this statement, recognize that it can sure help in the treatment.

The main cause for the occurrence of cancer was discovered before 1923, and in 1931 this discovery brought the Nobel Prize to the inventor. Unfortunately, not many people in the world actually know about this, because the truth was hidden from the public.

In 1931 the German scientist Otto Heinrich Warburg (1883-1970) received the Nobel Prize for finding the underlying cause of cancer. Doctor Warburg found that cancer is actually a result of an anti-physiological lifestyle.

He explained that the main reason for cancer is the anti-physiological diet, which mostly covers the consumption of unhealthy foods that acidify the body, as well as the physical inactivity of the body which also creates an acidic environment that is insufficiently supplied with oxygen.


Cell acidity suppresses the oxygen, and the lack of oxygen in the cells creates an acidic environment.

- “The acidity and the lack of oxygen are two sides of the same medal so, if you have one, than you have the other as well,” said doctor Warburg. ” If your body is too acidic, you will automatically lack oxygen. If you lack oxygen, you will have an acidified body. Acidic environment is actually an environment without oxygen.

“If you subtract 35 % of the oxygen in a healthy cell, it turns into cancer in just two days ” explained doctor Warburg.

Normal cells have an absolute need for oxygen, but tumor cells can live without it. This is a rule without any exception.

Tumor tissues are acidic and healthy tissues are alkaline

In his paper “The metabolism of tumors in the body” doctor Warburg explained that all carcinogenic forms meet two fundamental conditions: blood acidity and hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

He discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen), and they can not survive in the presence of high concentrations of oxygen.

Cancer cells can only survive in an anaerobic environment rich in sugar. Healthy cells live in an alkaline environment full of oxygen, which enables their normal functioning. Cancer cells, however, live in an acidic environment low in oxygen.

The acidity and alkalinity of the body depends on the food that you consume

After being digested, depending on its nutritional profile, the food creates acidity or alkalinity in the body. In other words, the alkalinity of the body depends on what you eat. 

Acidic or alkaline condition is measured by the pH scale from 0 to 14, and 7 is the neutral zone. The acidic value starts from 0 to 7, and from 7 to 14 it is alkaline. Our cells require a slightly alkaline pH, a little over 7.

The pH value of the blood in a healthy individual is between 7.40 and 7.45. Blood regulates itself constantly in order to prevent metabolic acidity. However, some types of foods can acidify the blood and thus “contaminate” the body.


What Food Acidifies The Body?

  • Refined sugar and its derivatives. It is the most dangerous food, because it does not contain any protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. It is rich in refined carbohydrates that damage the pancreas. Its pH value is 2.1 (very acidic).
  • Meat (all types)
  • Animal products – milk, cheese, cream, yogurt, and eggs
  • Refined salt
  • Refined flour and products containing it, such as pasta, cakes, biscuits and similar products
  • Bread, margarine, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco.
  • Processed and canned foods that contain preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, stabilizers, etc.
  • Synthetic antibiotics and other drugs.

Food And Habits That Alkalize The Body

  • Any fresh vegetable. Some vegetables may have sour taste, but they become alkaline in the body.
  • Fresh fruit. For example, inside the body lemons are quite alkaline, so you should not be worried about their sour taste.
  • Almonds are extremely alkaline.
  • Millet is the only alkaline wholegrain cereal. Other varieties are slightly acidic, but the “ideal” diet should have a certain percentage of acidity (20 per cent).
  • Honey is quite alkaline
  • Chlorophyll. Green plants contain chlorophyll.
  • Water. It is extremely important for the production of oxygen. Make sure that your body is well hydrated and drink small sips of water throughout the day.
  • Exercise. Exercising will help you maintain the alkalinity in your organism, because it will provide enough oxygen for the body. “Sedentary” lifestyle destroys health.

Chemotherapy Increases Acidity

Chemotherapy acidifies the body to the extent that it has to reach for its alkaline reserves, in order to neutralize the acidity by sacrificing certain minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium) found in the bones, teeth, limbs, hair and nails.

For this reason, we can see certain changes in people that receive chemotherapy, including hair loss. Other drugs can also aggravate the acidity in the body, and these should be avoided as much as possible.

Proper pH

As stated, cancer can not develop in people who eat healthy foods, drink plenty of clean water and exercise regularly.

To eat properly, make sure you provide 80 percent of alkaline foods and avoid acidic products, such as soft drinks, candies, cookies, meat, milk, eggs and salted snacks. Do not overuse salt and use it as little as possible – always use unrefined salt (not more than 0.5 g a day).

Taken: http://www.healthyfoodhouse.com/

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